yep’ me :)

May 23, 2010

im so  tired.! Keeping it up doe. iBeen lOvinq live and trying to find a jOb.


Anyways,,  So art is One of my most biggest passions in life. And so im showing my all to you guys. This is what im all about. ilOveeee ART!! not just drawing or painting. when isay art imean everything there is to Art; like jewelry, stilt walking, theater, paper mache, photographs, acting, fashion, ect. Here are some unforgettable moments:

Of course there are much more but im too tired 😦  iGuess my next post will have much more…


     Por hay dicen que solo quien lo vive, lo comprende. Yo estoy de acuerdo.  Aquel que quiera entender lo que otro vive no podra y solo jusgara o hablara de aquello que cree comprender. Aquel quien lo vive aprende mil secretos que hasta entonces ignoraba y decide no contar, ya que quera que otros comprendan por experiencia. Asi soy yo.

     Un dia todas las mariposas se reunieron, atormentadas por el deseo de unirse al candelabro. La primera mariposa volo hasta un castillo lejano, y diviso en el interior la claridad de una llama. Regresando, conto lo que habia visto. Pero la mariposa sabia que presidia la reunion dijo que con eso no avanzaban nada, en absoluto.

     La segunda mariposa se acerco mas al candelabro. Con la punta de sus alas llego hasta rozar la llama y el fuego la derroto. De regreso donde sus compañeras, con las alas quemadas, relato su viaje. Pero la mariposa sabia le dijo: “Tu explicacion tampoco es exacta”.

     Entonces, levanto vuelo una tercera mariposa, ciega de amor, y alzandose sobre sus patas de atras, se arrojo violentamente en la llama. Sus miembros se pusieron tan rojos como el fuego y se identificaron con el. Entonces la mariposa sabia,- que habia estado mirando desde lejos, –  dijo a las otras: “Ahora sabe  lo que queria saber. Pero solo ella lo comprende, y en eso consiste todo”.



     It is said that only those who live it, understand it. I agree. Anyone who wants to understand what others live may not, and will only judge or talk of what he understood. He who lives it, learns thousands of unknown secrets and decides not to tell, because he wants others to understand from experience. So am I.

     One day all the butterflies met, tormented by the desire to join the chandelier. The first butterfly flew to a distant castle, and saw inside the clarity of a flame. Returning, she told them what she had seen. But the wise butterfly who chaired the meeting said that with that they did not advanced anything at all.

     The second butterfly got closer to the chandelier.  The tip of her wings touched the flame and the fire defeated her. Going back to her companions, with her wings burned, she told her story. But the wise butterfly said: “Your explanation is not accurate neither”.

     Then a third butterfly took off, blinded by love, rushed violently into the flame. Its legs were as red as the fire and identified with it. Then the wise butterfly – who had been watching from afar, – told the others “Now she knows what she wanted to know. But only she understands, and that is what everything consits of”.

Triste Realidad

April 7, 2010

Esta Historia me fue mencionada y esta encontrada en la obra LA CONFERENCIA DE LOS PAJAROS por Gustavo Boada. La quiero compartir porque en mi opinion es verdaderamente sorprendente y en su propia cualidad Bella.

Sabes tu porque la hija del rey le sonrio al derviche?, No lo sabes?, pues claro que no. Cuento , hablare de cuando vemos fuera lo que solo esta en nuestra mente. Cuento.

Un rey tenia una hija tan bella como la luna. Era imposible verla y no enamorarse de ella. Sus ojos, despertaban arrebatos de pasion.  Por azares del destino, un pobre derviche llego a divisar tan deslumbrante luna y, de inmediato, se sintio violentamente cautivado. El pobre llevaba un panecillo redondo que, escapandosele de su mano, fue a dar en medio del camino. La princesa al pasar frente al derviche, le sonrio. Al ver la sonrisa aquella , el derviche se derrunmbo en el polvo del camino. Ya no volvio a tener reposo, ni de noche ni de dia, porque el amor por la princesa habia arrasado su alma.

(Derviche cayendo al suelo y se lamenta: )

DERVICHE: Es una noche tan larga y oscura como sus cabellos. Estoy ardiendo en las tinieblas por la locura de mi amor. Donde ha quedado mi vida, porque paso mi vida describiendo mi dolor? Donde quedo mi paciencia? Donde, mi razon? Donde esta mi fortuna, si no cumple mis deseos? Donde esta mi ojo, para que pueda ver una vez mas su rostro? Que es este amor, que es este dolor, que es esta cosa?

( se acerca la princesa y lo llama )


( el derviche no se levanta de inmediato )

PRINCESA: Eh, tu ! Estas durmiendo? Aqui, levanta tu cabeza…

( El levanta la cabeza, la divisa y temblando se prosterna en tierra. )

DERVICHE: Princesa

PRINCESA: Vete de aqui, hazme caso.

DERVICHE: No puedo. No, no me arrojes de aqui.

PRINCESA: Mi gente esta harta de verte aqui. Quieren cortarte la cabeza.

DERVICHE: El dia que me enamore de ti,lave mis manos de la vida. Estoy dispuesto a sacrificar mi vida por ti, si me lo pides. Sin ti, no tengo padres, ni amigos, ni paciencia. He venido, mi vida. Abreme tu puerta.

PRINCESA: Tu halito es frio. No te iluciones con seguir apostando a tu corazon. Debieras preocuparte mas bien de tu mortaja; ademas desconfio de tu necesidad de inmolarte.. Tu no puedes inspirar amor. Vete.

DERVICHE: Todas las noches me juego la vida en cada rincon de la calle.Tu eres el sol, yo soy la luna. Como podria yo existir sin ti?

PRINCESA: Pero nada es posible entre tu y yo. Nada. Te lo digo yo. Vamos, andante!


PRINCESA: Nada. Libera tu cabeza y desaparece.

DERVICHE: Responde al menos una pregunta.

PRINCESA: Que pregunta?

DERVICHE: Cuando tu me sonreiste?



PRINCESA: Mirandote, senti que ibas a hacer el ridiculo. Entonces te sonrei. Pero no te sonrei por amor. Te sonrei por compasion. Adios ignorante.

( El derviche sigue en el suelo, profundamente abatido. )

Verdaderamente Captivante e Hermosa, No es Cierto?

April 6, 2010

( Shark finning= removal and retention of shark fins and the discard at sea of the carcass. )

Lately I have been concerned about shark-finning. yes. This may sound like another of those maniacs trying to save the planet but this is not. It is an issue that we must all care about. I’ve never imagined the magnitude of this problem. Some of you may ask what’s the big deal? So did I when I lacked the Information. The deal is that 70% of the Oxygen in this planet comes from the ocean. But what does that have to do with sharks? Well, the shark is the main predator in the ocean and it keeps everything balanced. With out sharks or with a decreasing number of sharks, the number of plankton will decrease because this is what most of the prey feed on. With a decreasing number of plankton, there will be a decrease on the oxygen we all need to survive. FOR EXAMPLE: Shark is to Ocean as Lion is to Jungle. Think of the jungle with out the Lion. It would be a total chaos !Animals will increase, resources will decrease and at the end…     What do you think will happen at the end? Heads up people! Do your Critical Thinking. It’s awful right. Now going back to the Ocean topic with this same conclusion, Of course the carrying capacity of the eco-system will do its job but wouldn’t it be too late? The plankton will already be gone. It will be the point of no return. Worst Off? Our oxygen. 70% will be gone just because immaturity and blindness. But digging deeper into this, why does the shark deserved this. The shark is mainly always viewed as a monster but being more realistic and open-minded why judge  creature we know so little about.

Out of fear? Basically people, do your homework and open your brains to the information you lack. If you fear this animal and you could careless of what happens to them. Here are some facts: Only about 5 people are killed per year by sharks and this is not intentionally, but mistakenly they confused us with the kind of prey they eat, because sharks have a diet they stick to. Think of sharks as pillars in the evolution of the seas.

There are some cultures that have included shark’s fins in their diets for health, good fortune and a sign of wealth. But the truth is that  a shk’s fin has very high mercury levels so if you eat a lot it will affect your health and your future generations.  Also let me just point Out that shark’s fin doesn’t even have taste! And for the sign of wealth,, please people don’t be so ridicule! If you wanna show your wealth just frame your  money, at least it wouldn’t make you CRUEL &+ IGNORANT ! 

When the buying stops, the killing can too!!

People I am not trying to convinced you to go and hug a shark that would be idiotic, what I am trying to convinced you of is that sharks are needed in this world.

Ban the eating and the shark-finning not completely but in its majority. Let nature be what it is to be, and let ourselves be healthy and secure in our future.

Please leave your opinion below and ask any questions. !